Breathe. I open my eyes to start the day.
Breathe. Watch my son squirm as he does not want to wake.
Breathe. Step into the shower to begin the day with a clean slate.
Breathe. Make breakfast to nourish our bodies.
Breathe. Drop off at Gamma's; hope.for a smooth hand over.
Breathe. Start my day at work.
Breathe. One task down.
Breathe. Physical task to switch mindset before starting next computer task.
Breathe. Connect with people, remember why we donwhatbwe do.
Breathe. To listen with an open mind.
Breathe. Stop to support a friend see the forest through the trees.
Breathe. Check another task off the list.
Breathe. Catch an email that had been forgotten.
Breathe. Find a solution to a problem.
Breathe. Ask for help.
Breathe. Collect my son from Gamma's.
Breathe. Say more yesses than nos.
Breathe. Support his regulation.
Breathe. Dance to music.
Breathe. Wait for Papi.
Breathe. Cook dinner.
Breathe. Eat as a family.
Breathe. Sneak a work task in.
Breathe. Read Goodnight Moon for the umpteenth time.
Breathe. Fluff pillow for the sleep time routine.
Breathe. Breathe in the smell of my son as he snuggles at my breast.
The only thing I must do is breathe.
There is so much we need to do, but the one thing we MUST do is breathe. I very much relate to this slice, it shows the chaos of life and I appreciate the reminder. Thanks for sharing!