Pebbles from the Past

Do random people from your past ever just spring to mind? Today I was proofreading and decided to start at the end. Weird you might think but a teaching partner from early in my career used to proofread her husband's writing and in passing one day she mentioned she started from the back of the book so she was more tuned in to the grammatical features she had been asked to look for. It's helped on more than one occasion. 

It got me thinking about all the small unintended tidbits that we pick up from others or they pick up from us. Perhaps the legacy for some is not a grandiose gesture worthy of the history books but smaller tidbits; pebbles we cast off without a thought, that others find in the pocket of their raincoat on a rainy day. 
Thank you Paula. I was pleased to find your pebble today. 


  1. "Perhaps the legacy for some is not a grandiose gesture worthy of the history books but smaller tidbits." This is profound. I think many of us are looking for the "big" impact, but those small, everyday ones are at leas as important!

  2. Very nice post, this memory of Paula's wisdom to you. I agree. We don't know how we are impacting people most of the time. I like this image you used: "pebbles we cast off without a thought, that others find in the pocket of their raincoat on a rainy day"


  3. I saw your teaser line about teaching partners. Yesterday, I visited my former teaching partner from the first 7 years of my (now 30+ years) career for the first time since the pandemic started. We email a few times a year and she has been generally well, but feeling isolated (she is in her early 80s now, I think). When I arranged to visit, I found out she has been ill and has chosen to be in palliative care/hospice. I am SO glad I reached out to visit. And every day I have reminders of how much my teaching career and skills were forged in practice with her. I am glad you had a moment to be in touch with what you have received and also what you have given others, whether you know it or not.


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